Why happens if you have Mars in your 7th house?


When Mars is placed in the 7th house of a birth chart, it can have both positive and negative effects on the individual's life and relationships. Here are some possible outcomes:

Positive Effects:

  • The placement of Mars in the 7th house can make the individual more assertive, confident, and independent in their relationships. They may take the lead in their partnerships and have a strong desire to protect their partner.
  • Mars in the 7th house can also make the individual more sexually active and passionate, leading to a fulfilling and exciting love life.
  • This placement can also indicate a partner who is strong, energetic, and adventurous, which can lead to a dynamic and exciting relationship.

Negative Effects:

  • Mars in the 7th house can indicate conflict and aggression in relationships, making the individual prone to arguments, disagreements, and power struggles with their partner.
  • This placement can also indicate a tendency towards impulsive or rash decisions in relationships, leading to conflicts and instability.
  • The individual may also attract partners who are domineering, possessive, or aggressive, leading to an unhealthy and unbalanced relationship dynamic.

Overall, the placement of Mars in the 7th house can have a significant impact on an individual's relationships and partnerships. It's important to understand the potential positive and negative effects of this placement and work to balance its influence through self-awareness and healthy relationship practices.


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