The Mind: Where does a thought go when it's forgotten?


When a thought is forgotten, it does not necessarily go anywhere, as it is not a physical object that can be located in space. Rather, forgetting occurs when the neural connections that represent the thought in the brain weaken over time, making it more difficult to retrieve the information.

When we form a memory or have a thought, it is initially stored in a part of the brain called the hippocampus. However, over time, the memory or thought is transferred to other parts of the brain for long-term storage and retrieval. If the neural connections that represent the memory or thought are not strengthened through use, they may eventually weaken and be more difficult to retrieve.

It's also possible that the thought may be replaced by other thoughts or memories, making it more difficult to access. However, even if we are unable to consciously recall a thought or memory, it may still be stored in the brain at an unconscious level and could potentially be retrieved under certain conditions, such as hypnosis or during certain types of therapy.

Overall, the process of forgetting is complex and involves a variety of factors, including the strength of the neural connections that represent the thought, the passage of time, and the influence of other thoughts and memories.


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